“A first for the city”: Four Naples intersections will use AI to improve safety

AI will soon be “watching” you on some of your own streets, if you live in Naples!

On Wednesday, the city council appr

oved funding that would help the city access state dollars and pay for tech upgrades that should improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists.

For Nancy Murray, getting around Naples by bike is an every day routine, despite the risk. “Another friend of ours got hit by a bike recently, and so, it is a little scary,” Murray said.

Now, it’s not the first time the safety of people on foot and on two wheels has been a concern in Naples. For years now, as traffic continues to increase, so does the risk to walkers and bicycles.

https://img.particlenews.com/image.php?url=3AcLcN_0sUhAaIG00 Mahmoud Bennett
Fox 4’s Naples Community Correspondent Mahmoud Bennett spends a moment with Nancy Murray and her dog to find out what it’s like to bike around Naples. Murray said she’s known other people on bikes who have been hit by cars, as recently as the week prior.

In 2018, the city purchased and installed bike detection equipment for the intersection of Goodlette Rd. and Central Avenue. But this time, there’s an upgrade.

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