Starry Nights Gala raises nearly $2 million for Youth Haven

Youth Haven’s Starry Nights Gala on March 23 at The Ritz-Carlton Naples, Tiburón, raised nearly $2 million. More than $1 million was raised in a special appeal at the event, including a $100,000 pledge from Valerie and Arturo Guido to support services for Youth Haven children and teens. Additionally, the Guidos generously made a commitment to underwrite a trip to Disney World for all Youth Haven residents. Gala proceeds will be used to enhance therapeutic programming, with additional investments in mental health and other services for traumatized children and teens, ages 6 to 20. Each day, Youth Haven provides a safe and nurturing home to nearly 50 children and teens who experienced lives of abuse, neglect and homelessness. ¦

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