Letters to the editor for Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Naples overdevelopment

Last March the citizens of the City of Naples voted for preservation of the city’s small town feel and quality of life and opposed higher density, greater building heights, numerous easy variances, i.e., unfettered development. The City Council has its work cut out for it.

Sadly, the City of Naples is already being “Miamiized” by extreme overdevelopment. Want proof? Drive past the Four Seasons construction site on Gulf Shore Blvd. north of South Golf Drive. On the west side of Gulf Shore is a monstrosity of concrete; a gigantic eight story hotel and multistory condominium buildings. Construction across the road from the hotel will create a concrete canyon.

This is an area where there once were human sized buildings, open space and light. Of course, the complex will be painted and landscaped in an attempt to make it presentable but there is no way to disguise the out-of-scale enormity of the project or to avoid the harm it will have on the community, especially the immediate residential neighborhoods.

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