Rodent Infestation Leads to Serious Shutdown Orders at Florida Food Warehouse

Ever thought about what might be lurking in your pantry? Well, if you’re at the Restaurant Depot Jetro Cash & Carry in Miami, you might not want to think too hard. State inspectors recently uncovered some unsettling issues at their warehouse, including rodents making themselves at home in Quaker oatmeal and turning the area behind Pedigree dog food into a mess.

The Florida Department of Agriculture took immediate action, issuing a flurry of Stop Use and Stop Sale Orders after their inspection revealed conditions that were far from acceptable. According to the inspectors, the cleanliness reported the day before was nothing like what they found on their visit. Rodent droppings were spotted all over the facility, suggesting a serious lapse in sanitation.

It’s important to note that this was the Restaurant Depot located at 2041 NW 12th Ave., just north of Jackson Memorial Hospital. This isn’t the same as the Medley location, which had its own problems last December with animal droppings on a large amount of salt and sugar.

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