Snook Inn on Marco Island prepping for Tropical Storm Milton. Two videos show urgency

Instead of preparing for the upcoming tourist and snowbird season, restaurants like the Snook Inn on Marco Island were doing a different kind of preparation on Sunday (Oct. 6, 2004).

It’s called hurricane prep.

More: Tropical Storm Milton prep: Gas, water, groceries, sand. There’s a run on supplies in SW FL

This time the team at the Snook Inn was getting ready for Tropical Storm Milton, which is expected to strengthen into a major hurricane. There is some indication that the storm’s landfall will be somewhere in Southwest Florida or near it.

Naples Daily News reporting J. Kyle Foster, who covers Marco Island, filed these two videos today to show how the Snook Inn is getting ready. It is likely other similar businesses along the coast are doing the same thing.

This article originally appeared on Naples Daily News: Snook Inn on Marco Island prepping for Tropical Storm Milton. Two videos show urgency

This story was originally published here.