Stronger Than My Father Helps Create Responsible Young Men

Since 2013, the non-profit organization Stronger Than My Father has been at the forefront of working to make a significant difference in young boys’ lives. The organization has been providing boys from kindergarten through high school with the values and skills they need to become good people and exceptional community leaders.

As reported by April Eaton of Urban Outlook, a production of News Channel 5, 18.4 million children live without a biological, step or adoptive father in the home. That is one in every four children.

The organization’s focus is reaching out to at-risk males who have no father or lack a strong, positive male influence in their lives. According to information provided to the organization by the U. S. Department of Justice, “fatherless homes account for 63% of youth suicides, 70% of juvenile incarcerations, 70% of all high school drop outs, 70% of adolescent patients in substance abuse centers, 85% of children with behavioral disorders and 95% of homeless and runaway youth.” It often leads to an endless cycle that includes poverty.

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