East Nashville community surprised with the gift of free

It’s a different form of art from what you might expect to see in Nashville.

Maybe you think hearing music bellowing from a nearby bar or restaurant, but this is the clickety-clack of a typewriter.

“It’s an incredible environment full of creativity,” said Scott Sprunger. “I feel good when I’m here.”

Sprunger does “Poetry on the Spot.” He’s from the Fort Wayne area but brings a table, typewriter, and his creativity to Nashville every now and then. You pick the topic and give him three to five minutes and he’ll write a memorable poem.

“Sometimes I misspell things but that’s okay,” he said. “It’s just another way of adding some personalization to the poem.”

He started this about six years ago. He’s a salesman at his regular job but visits Nashville frequently for work.

“I’ve always written but about six years ago, I decided on a Saturday morning I wanted to try this so I just took a typewriter and went to the farmer’s market,” he said.

Sprunger is also close friends with Kirk Jackson, known around Nashville as the Nashville Typewriter.

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