Murderer’s Row newsletter puts face to killings involving drugged drivers

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Murderer’s Row – it’s a regular newsletter that traffic prosecutors publish in Tennessee. The goal is to let the public see the faces of these killers, and the dangers of driving impaired.

In our special reports, Drugged Driving , News 2 sat down with a Dickson County mother whose son was killed by a drugged driver.

Every parent fears it, but Carol Akers lived it.

“I have to live with this pain. Jacob’s whole family lives with pain that I’ll have until the day I die,” said Akers.

Her beloved son, her oldest boy, Jacob, was killed in a car crash.

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“I remember going home and not being able to sleep for it felt like weeks, months. And just laying down and wishing you could go to sleep and not wake up because of how bad it hurt. It just hurt so bad inside,” said Akers.

The driver was convicted of drugged driving.

“What the blood test showed was hydrocodone, which is an opiate, and amphetamines, which was probably meth,” said Akers. “He denied using heroin all the way until his third parole hearing. And then he admitted to using heroin that night.”

Story continues