Tennessee senator wants to pour a billion more into roads

Rush hour in Nashville at the junction of I-40 and I-24. A plan by Gov. Bill Lee will add “choice lanes,” or toll lanes, to I-24 in an effort to streamline traffic flow. (Photo: John Partipilo) Photograph by John Partipilo/ Tennessee Lookout ©2024

The first stretch of Tennessee’s toll lanes isn’t expected to be completed until 2031-32, leading one senator to call for a billion-dollar annual infusion into the state’s building fund to expedite highway projects.

Republican Sen. Mark Pody of Lebanon says he plans to revive a measure to bolster Department of Transportation work by $1 billion annually after a similar bill failed last session. Pody’s plan would dedicate sales taxes revenue on automobiles and tires to the Department of Transportation for road work and earmark a share of the sales tax revenue for administrative costs.

“I really believe we need to have another dedicated source to be giving solid money to our department. We need to get it up to another billion dollars. We should double our state budget to TDOT,” says Pody, a Senate Transportation Committee member whose district includes a portion of eastern Davidson County.

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