John Kennedy, 72, Louisiana Senator, Exposes Corruption In New Orleans, In Shocking Statement

During a recent Senate Banking Committee hearing, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) shed light on alarming levels of corruption within the New Orleans government, particularly focusing on issues related to flooding.

Acknowledging the presence of Mr. Michael Hecht, President & CEO of Greater New Orleans, Inc, Senator Kennedy addressed the matter candidly.

Senator Kennedy identified two significant flooding challenges in Louisiana, namely hurricane and non-hurricane flooding.

The Louisiana Republican attributed the latter to New Orleans’ geographical vulnerability, situated below sea level in a basin.

Senator Kennedy expressed concerns about the inefficiency of the long-standing Sewage and Water Board, labeling it a “cesspool of political patronage and corruption.”

The Louisiana Senator referenced headlines showcasing the extent of corruption, citing instances of payroll fraud, a secret sex room, and FBI raids targeting the Sewage and Water Board.

He emphasized that despite the business community’s reluctance to speak out, the truth needed to be exposed for the benefit of the citizens.

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