Sen. Cassidy column: We owe our veterans the best care we can deliver

In July, New Orleans hosted the 43rd National Veteran Wheelchair Games organized by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Paralyzed Veterans of America. As I participated in the games’ ceremonies, I saw the magic of rehabilitation coupled with faith for our wounded veterans. But it’s not just physical scars our veterans need help healing from. The more than 200,000 veterans in Louisiana are no exception. While in the service, they had the support of their brothers and sisters, and now in civilian life, it’s our job as a nation to fill that gap.

Veterans between the ages of 18 and 34 have the highest rates of suicide among former servicemembers. Additionally, report after report from the VA shows veterans, including those who served in Afghanistan, do not readily use VA services aimed at preventing suicide. As a doctor, my focus is always on saving lives. As a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, ensuring that veterans know about and have access to mental health resources and suicide prevention is among my top priorities.

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