Dog Saved from Trash and Given a Second Chance

When a dog is found in a dump or the most deadly situation, we couldn’t understand how someone could be this heartless to harm an animal so badly that they are fighting for their lives. Well, it sounds horrifying but that’s the reality of today’s world, where some people are so ungenerous that they don’t spare dogs. 

We have a dog rescue story that will break your heart into pieces and you wouldn’t be able to get how a human being could be this cruel and evil that they throw a little dog to trash and in such a condition that it was hanging between her life and death. 

A Dog Was Found in the Trash

Well, on a fine March day, New York City Animal Control found a little gray dog in a trash bin that was looking dainty, barely breathing, and could lose its life at any moment. She was picked up soon and brought to care but she was so badly injured that she needed a lot more and extensive care which only Sean Casey Animal Rescue could provide.

So, the New York City Animal Control didn’t delay and transferred the dog to Sean Casey Animal Rescue, which was based in Brooklyn. Once she was looked after, her new rescue home posted about her on Facebook and shared how dainty and lifeless she was.

Story continues