Here Are 10 Surprising Items New York Goodwill Will Not Accept In 2025

Spring officially arrived at 5:01am on Thursday March 20th! As we wait for the temperatures to warm just a bit more, this is a great time to do some “Spring Cleaning”.

Before you attempt to make your donations to Goodwill, there are a few things you should know. Goodwill will accept musical instruments, computers and even your car but there are several items they won’t take. Here are 10 Items Goodwill New York Will Not Accept.

MAGAZINES – No magazines or old newspapers.

AUTO PARTS – Goodwill will not accept tires and auto parts.

HELMETS – Goodwill New York will not accept motorcycle or bicycle helmets.

BEDS – No beds and mattresses, including bed frames and futons.

APPLIANCES – Goodwill New York will not accept any large appliances.

WEAPONS – Goodwill New York will not accept any weapons or explosives.

FURNITURE – Goodwill New York will not accept soiled or broken furniture.

LARGE HOME FIXTURES – Ceiling fans, faucets, lighting fixtures.

GAS POWERED EQUIPMENT – No gas powered equipment such as oven, grills and BBQs…

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