New Yorkers Struggle with Lingering Cough

Are you struggling with a persistent cough that seems to linger? Many New Yorkers are experiencing the same issue. Local doctors have noticed a rise in cases of a dry, hacking cough that is distinct from other respiratory illnesses.

According to Dr. Christopher Fucito, a Family Practice Physician at Guthrie, this new viral infection can persist for up to a month. The cough typically starts after an acute illness and can continue for thirty to forty days.

For treatment, over-the-counter medication is generally recommended, unless you have an underlying medical condition. Dr. Fucito advises individuals with conditions like hypertension or coronary artery disease to speak with their doctor before starting any cough or cold medication, as there may be potential interactions with their existing medications.

In addition to medication, using a humidifier in your home can help with the prevention and relief of the cough. Humidifying the air, combined with over-the-counter medication, can provide effective relief over time.

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