Spike in flu, COVID-19, and respiratory illnesses can lead to rise in cardiovascular issues: experts

With American Heart Month approaching, knowledge on cardiovascular complications is important.

According to experts at Mount Sinai, the recent surge in influenza, COVID-19, and other respiratory viruses can impact cardiovascular health.

The recent surge can trigger cardiovascular complications from fever, dehydration, and increased inflammation, and Mount Sinai doctors are seeing a rise in these cases in all age groups, including patients in their 20s.

Patients with underlying cardiovascular disease and the associated risk factors are at increased risk.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says nearly 700,000 people die of heart disease annually, and 80% of these cases are preventable.

Increased inflammation can cause detrimental issues, triggering heart attacks for those with coronary artery disease, along with exacerbating heart failure symptoms and irregular or rapid heartbeats.

“If you have an underlying heart condition or risk factors such as obesity, diabetes, or a family history of heart disease-don’t assume it’s not serious or just a viral syndrome, ” says Icilma Fergus, MD, Director of Cardiovascular Disparities for the Mount Sinai Health System. “Consider seeing a health care provider right away, and call 911 if the symptoms of chest pain, dizziness or shortness of breath develop.”

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