Work Permit: Immigrants Complaining About Bad NYC Bosses And Work Environments

Six years ago, José Moncada, a construction worker, broke his wrist while using a jackhammer on a demolition job in Manhattan. His site foreman gave him strange instructions and assured him that his medical fees would be covered.

One option is to take a taxi rather than an ambulance to the hospital. And two, he recalled, tell the physicians he harmed himself at the park.

Alejo, a welder employed by the same demolition company at a different construction site, sustained a crippling injury when sparks struck his eye, near his retina. Alejo asked that his surname not be revealed.

His foreman covered the cost of his hospital transportation by taxi, gave him the go-ahead to keep quiet about his work-related injuries, and assured him that Caledonia Carting Services would cover his medical expenses.

Workers Compensation Fraud And Worker Retribution

The two men shared their stories with law enforcement officials looking into claims of workers’ compensation fraud and worker retribution by Alba Services Inc., a company that employs laborers from Caledonia Carting. After working illegally in the United States for more than ten years, both were granted working papers in exchange.

Story continues