White residents in NJ more likely to say neighborhood crime is getting worse, poll finds

As major cities around New Jersey and the country report sharp drops in their crime numbers , a new poll finds that New Jerseyans’ perceptions of crime in their neighborhoods differs substantially based on race.

According a Rutgers University poll released on Tuesday, 15% of Black residents say crime has worsened where they live over the last five years, compared to 31% of white residents. At the same time, 20% of Black people say crime has gotten better in their neighborhoods, but just 6% of white residents say the same. Most of both groups — about 62% of white people and 60% of Black people — said things had stayed the same.

Hispanic residents were the least likely — 47% — to say things had stayed the same. Of Hispanic residents polled, 16% thought crime was getting better in their neighborhoods, but 34% thought it was getting worse.

“This is what they perceive things to be, which sometimes doesn’t always jive with reality,” said Ashley Koning, director of the Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. She said the poll results haven’t been compared to the crime rates of where the respondents live.

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