Ransacked Mailboxes in Newark Draw U.S. Postal Inspector’s Attention

NEWARK, NJ — Communal mailboxes ransacked over the weekend at Georgia King Village have gotten the attention of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and the landlord.

Gee Cureton, a West Ward district leader, said the block of mailboxes in the lobby of building number 250 was broken into over the weekend. Images provided to TAPinto Newark show the boxes in the 18-story building of low-income apartments had been tampered with and mail scattered on the floor.

“We need tamper-proof mailboxes, and Georgia King Village needs to replace all of their mailboxes because those mailboxes are 40 to 50 years old,” Cureton said.

The Sunday sacking is not the first time the letterboxes have been tampered with, she said. In recent weeks, random mailboxes have been broken into, but this is the first time someone ripped off an entire panel, Cureton said.

Newark police referred a reporter to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service.

Greg Kliemisch, U.S. postal inspector for the Newark Field Office of the USPIS, said that while no official report was filed with his investigative office, following a reporter’s inquiry his office confirmed the vandalism happened.

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