FL Is Getting Several Locations Of NY’s “Legendary” H&H Bagels, And They’ll Be Made With NY Water

I often write about restaurants that are bringing New York-style bagels to Florida, such as Jeff’s Bagel Run. However, some commenters express doubts about these eateries because Florida restaurants are not using New York water, which they feel is necessary to have true New York-style bagels. Those commenters may be happy to know that Florida is going to be getting several locations of a New York bagel company that the Miami New Times has called “legendary,” H&H Bagels. And the bagels will be made with New York water.

About H&H Bagels: This company was founded in New York City in the early 1970s. From the very beginning, they have used the artisanal water bagel method to construct their bagels. It is a somewhat involved process, in that the bagels are proofed, kettle-boiled, bathed in cold water, and, at the very end, oven-baked. (The company was even featured on an episode of Seinfeld.)

I always like to include reviews by Floridians in my articles. But I can’t in this case since Florida does not yet have an H&H store (but will soon.) However, a store in New York City earns 4.5 out of 5 stars on TripAdvisor. Some of the more negative reviews were for deliveries, but those who ate inside seemed to have good experiences and were complimentary of the food. A reviewer with the handle dustythoughts wrote:

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