Opinion: Samantha Bee: Menopause Left Me Boiling With Rage

Comedian Samantha Bee revealed on The Daily Beast Podcast this week that she is preparing for a three-night run of a new show next week in New York City—and it concerns a very personal topic.

The title of the program is “ How to Survive Menopause ,” and it will focus on the former Daily Show correspondent’s experience undergoing what she calls a “period of metamorphosis.”

Bee says anger was the first sign of the changes she was undergoing. And that’s saying something for the Canadian-born comedian, who says she was not prone to throwing tantrums for most of her life.

“I’m not really generally a hot takes type of person, and I do like to think about things and consider things, but the anger inside of me would boil. I would rage boil in a nanosecond,” she said. “It was such a powerful feeling that I did–at the end of some–I was throwing things. Privately, my personal anger was overtaking me.”

“I never really did that in anybody’s presence, but it was like a private inner turmoil. And I thought, ‘I really need psychiatric care. This is very out of character,’” she said, adding that once she realized these were symptoms of menopause, she was able to get help and overcome them.

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