This week in Congress: Lawmakers rush to pass VA funding

Lawmakers are optimistic they will pass a quick fix to the Department of Veterans Affairs funding shortfall before a looming Friday budget deadline. But a resolution isn’t expected until just a few hours before that cutoff.

VA leaders have said because of increased benefits payouts and medical care enrollments this year, their accounts are about $2.9 billion short of what’s needed to keep normal operations continuing. If money is not provided by Sept. 20, they warned, some benefits checks due next month may be delayed by days or weeks.

House members are expected to vote on legislation providing the money — and calling for a closer look at the reasons behind the funding issue — early this week. Senate leaders have said they will move on the measure as soon as possible afterwards.

But individual senators could disrupt that timeline with objections to the bill, possibly pushing final passage of the stopgap funds to the weekend or next week. VA officials have said they will work closely with lawmakers to see how they can prevent any potential benefits disruptions.

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