EXCLUSIVE: SF pet owners apologize after dog attacks 3-year-old boy

Only ABC7 News has new developments in the story of a three-year-old boy who was attacked by a dog in San Francisco. It was captured on video. ABC7 News reporter Luz Pena was able to track down the owners and talk to them.

The couple decided to speak on camera to share their side of the story. We asked why they left without giving the boy’s nanny their contact information. They claim that’s not the whole story.

It was May 22 around 4 p.m. – a three-year-old boy was running next to his nanny in San Francisco when unexpectedly a white husky attacked him.

“All of a sudden, appeared out of nowhere charged towards him, chased him and pinned him down and bit him really viciously on his left arm,” said the boy’s mom.

Over a month after the attack, we tracked down the dog owners. We met them at a dog park. Their dog named Max had a gentle leader on – and sat between them.

VIDEO: SF family furious after 3-year-old son attacked by dog, owners walk away

An unleashed dog bit a 3-year-old in San Francisco, sending the boy to the hospital. Now, the parents are pleading for the dog owners to come forward.

Story continues