A Rare August Cold Front Will Be In Northern California on Thursday

After a blisteringly hot summer, Northern California is now going to get a rare August cooldown. With hopes for fall to begin, it seems that the weather is going to go overboard and make it colder than people expected.

Most of the week looks to be classic warm days and cooler nights, but starting Thursday, all of that changes. With a cooldown Wednesday, Thursday will find a low-pressure system coming in from Canada with moderately high winds and gusts up to 20–30 mph. In the lower mountains, light rain and even some thunderstorms are predicted over the weekend. In the Sierra’s, the winds will be stronger and the temperatures even cooler, with possible snow being seen in the higher elevations.

Sacramento will be lucky to get to 80 F. A high-pressure system will return on Monday, and temperatures will climb into the upper 90s in the Sacramento area and could get to triple digits by Tuesday and Wednesday.

Over the weekend, San Francisco will see a drop of 10 F into the 60’s, along with the South Bay, which will also be dropping into the 60’s. Both areas will drop into the 50’s in the nighttime hours and have a small chance of rain. Temperatures will rise back up on Monday into the work week.

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