EXCLUSIVE: Hot dog vendor arrested in viral video responds to SFPD’s claim she staged incident

The San Francisco Police Department is going on record with their side of what happened to a hot dog vendor seen in a viral video Sunday morning, on the ground, being detained with her wailing child nearby. SFPD says the original clip was “orchestrated” by the vendors. However, new video coming to light shines a slightly different picture of events in this complicated situation.

That new cellphone video shows the moment a port employee tells a crying 5-year-old girl to “get back” while her mother struggles to hold onto her hot dog cart. It’s a new look at a situation that unfolded at around 10:30 a.m. at Pier 33 along the Embarcadero.

The original clip shows the single-mother Ana Luisa Casimir Julca on the ground, being detained by police as her daughter wails nearby.

SFPD posted on X Tuesday night that the viral clip did not match reality. They added, it was orchestrated by illegal vendors and cited a witness who claims “someone in the group told the girl to start crying near officers to manipulate the situation.”

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