SF cleaned up for Dreamforce but what happened after conference ended? Here’s what we found

San Francisco proved to be a safe and secure city during the Dreamforce conference. It’s expected that the largest business conference in the city will return next year.

Dreamforce has been a sort of redemption for a city still trying to improve its tarnished image.

Restaurant owners were the first to embrace the event.

“When Dreamforce is here or any major convention is here, the city as far as I can understand – it is bringing in additional police force, they are putting extra people out to clean the street and patrol the street and it’s the way the city should be,” expressed David Cohen, owner of The Grove Restaurant.

The reality of persistent drug abuse and homelessness had some first-time Dreamforce attendees concerned. But those problems were kept at bay and pushed to other surrounding areas.

MORE: A look into how Dreamforce changed SF for the better during its 4-day conference

“I was a little worried but I did not see that in my couple of days here. The city looks very clean and it feels very safe here,” admitted Karthik Pullagurla, who was visiting San Francisco for the first time.

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