Vallejo residents shocked by huge weekend sideshows

Vallejo residents shocked by massive weekend sideshows 03:36

In Vallejo, residents are saying the weekend’s sideshows were the biggest – most out of hand – they’ve ever seen.

On Sunday night, hundreds of people showed up at the corner of Sonoma Blvd and Kentucky Street to watch cars with screeching tires, spinning donuts in the street.

Sam Coniglio lives in the neighborhood and wasn’t able to get to his house because of all the cars blocking the streets.

“You cannot drive anywhere,” he said. “It’s loud, it’s scary, people have guns. They ended the event by shooting the guns off. That’s how they knew the show was over.”

He said it lasted for about 90 minutes and not a single police officer ever showed up.

“Oh, yeah, yeah, we’re fed up with the lack of…no one showing up to do something about it,” said Coniglio.

But while they may be fed up, no one seems very surprised. The night before, on Saturday, another sideshow began at the corner of Georgia Street and Columbus Parkway. The street is now covered with black skid marks, and there are ribbons of rubber that sheared off the tires. At that one, estimates of the crowd size ranged from 500 to 1,000 people.

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