California cracking down on “shoulder taps” in statewide operation this weekend

The California Department of Beverage Control (ABC) is issuing a warning ahead of a major crackdown on underage drinking. A “shoulder tap” refers to a practice where minors ask adults outside liquor stores to buy them alcohol. It’s illegal and law enforcement is stepping up efforts to stop it.

On March 15th, ABC and 60 local law enforcement agencies across California will conduct a statewide shoulder tap operation to catch adults who purchase alcohol for minors. Those caught violating the law could face serious consequences, including arrest.

According to SAC Brandon Shotwell, many adults may view this act as harmless, perhaps recalling a time when someone did the same for them. However, authorities are working to break that cycle. “It’s not only dangerous for the minor receiving the alcohol, but it’s also a crime. Violators can face a misdemeanor charge, a criminal citation, up to six months in county jail, and fines of up to $1,000 ,” Shotwell explained…

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