Bear’s-Eye View of Alameda for March 23, 2025


A couple of months ago, a former Pentagon official testified to a House Oversight Committee that “We are not alone,” in reference to the existence of UFOs. I will admit I was very confused by this pronouncement, because it made it seem as if there was a question of the presence of UFOs… Of course there are, and they are everywhere. The confusion may have something to do with humans’ perception and their severe limitations with sight, smell, and hearing.

SIGHT : Since many UFOs only come out at night when there is little to no ambient light, human eyes may not be able to see them, especially when those objects are obscured by vegetation. The folks at the American Kennel Club attribute the superior night vision we canines have to thousands of years of our preferring to hunt in dim light (like at dawn and dusk) and at night.

SMELL : According to , dogs have a nose “that’s 100 times stronger than the average human and can remember an exceptional number of smells over the course of their lives.” So, while my HC might walk right by a bush that has an opossum behind it without knowing it’s there, I can smell it yards before I get to the bush…

Story continues