Penalties should be increased for souped-up golf carts in The Villages

I sincerely agree with the article about golf carts fixed up to go over the legal speed. I’ve been living in The Villages since 2007 and I see more and more golf carts going over the speed limit. This needs to be addressed by the Sumter County Sheriff Department enforcing the legal speed limit. This can be done on the streets, especially Odell and Stillwater and The Villages on the other side of 44. If they receive speeding tickets and all other related tickets word will get out. If afterwards you fix your golf cart to speed you need at least 30 days in jail. I recently had a young girl probably 14-15 years old pass me and other golf carts with her Grandmother and a young child on the cart. She was going faster in the golf cart that the cars on Odell heading towards Mallory and Lake Sumter. I kindly asked the Sumter Sheriff Department to look at having a more visible traffic patrol and enforcement of the traffic laws on cars and especially golf carts.

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