Fundraising campaign underway to help Marion County elementary school student go to forum

The first several years of Shayla Reeves life has been filled with uncertainty.

Shayla was born in Lowell Correctional Institution, a women’s prison in northwest Marion County nine years ago. As a baby, Shayla was sickly, due to multiple aliments.

Through a friend, Shayla was placed with Billy and Heather Reeves when she was about 9-weeks-old in 2015. A year later when Shayla’s biological mother was released from prison, she picked up Shayla and they went to Tampa. For a little more than a year, the Reeves would visit Shayla.

In late 2017, Shayla’s mother asked the Reeves if Shayla could stay with them. The Reeves gladly accepted. When the Reeves took Shayla, it would be a while before they saw or heard from the little girl’s mother as she disappeared for approximately 4 1/2 years.

Wanting to give her a stable environment, the Reeves, in October 2022, decided to adopt Shayla. Two months ago on Dec. 13, Shayla was adopted and now she’s officially apart of the Reeves family.

“We’re just thankful and blessed to give Shayla a stable home and a stable life,” Reeves said.

Story continues