Surprises? Bring ’em on, Marion County students tell Matt Manatee

Dear Friends,

My podmates and I had a lot of fun reading your letters and finding out that so many of you LOVE to be surprised! We took a vote and we agreed: Being surprised is usually a lot of fun, especially for us. Most of our days are pretty uneventful, and we like it that way, but we love it when humans come to our cove and swim! We never know when it’s going to happen, and it’s such a treat when we get visitors. The humans are always so nice, and they’re very polite about not touching us or our young.

That made me wonder if any of YOU have met a manatee like me. Have you swum in a manatee home and, if not, is that something you would like to do? Is there another animal you would like to see up close and meet? I’m very curious to hear what your favorites are and if you’ve already met any of them yet.

My podmates and I are very excited to hear your answers!

Your friend,


Dear Matt,

I would love to be surprised because I love surprises! They make me feel special. I feel like my family cares about me.

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