Ocala City Council approves fire assessment rates to support Ocala Fire Rescue

The Ocala City Council held a special meeting the afternoon of Sept. 11 to discuss adopting the 2024-25 fire assessment rates. The five city council members unanimously agreed to pass the measure.

Here’s what we know:

What’s the Ocala fire assessment?

According to past Star-Banner articles and records from city officials, for years the city charged a fire user fee that was listed on customers’ utility bills. The fee was challenged in court. The city lost the legal battle and had to pay those who were paying the fee nearly $80 million.

The city stopped collecting the fee a little more than four years ago. Then, three years ago, the fire assessment was implemented because city officials said the funds were needed to supplement the ad valorem property tax revenue used to fund the rest of the Ocala Fire Rescue budget.

Who prepared the assessment rates?

Benesch, Inc., an outside consultant company.

How did Benesch, Inc. determine the assessment rates?

“Residential and non-residential property rates are tiered based on square footage while vacant parcel rates are flat,” the city says.

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