Woman charged with battery on 2 paramedics while on probation for battery on 2 police officers


OCALA, Fla. (CohenConnect) – A woman convicted of battery on two police officers is facing charges again, this time for battery on two paramedics.

The call about Heidi Jo Crane came “in reference to an unconscious person” in Florida on Sept. 3.

“Fire Rescue was already on scene and loaded the patient onto the ambulance,” an officer wrote, but, “Upon making contact, I overheard MCFR paramedic [name] telling the patient Crane that she will not put her hands on his partner, MCFR paramedic [name].

“Due to EMS’s initial contact and Crane’s behavior, it was determined that Crane would be placed under a Marchman Act.

“Prior to departing,” the officer continued, “I advised Crane that she must keep her hands to herself or she’d be placed under arrest and taken to the jail.

“Crane advised ‘f*** you’, ‘f*** you and Jesus c***,’ and she had already been to the jail in the past.” That was two years ago on similar charges.

On Sept. 3, the ambulance and officer made their way to the hospital separately and the arrest report continued,

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