OSDE suspends teaching certificates for 6 accused of ‘assaulting’ students

OKLAHOMA CITY ( KFOR ) – The State Board of Education suspended half a dozen teaching licenses Thursday afternoon over student abuse allegations.

A total of 16 teacher certifications were up for discussion, but only six were immediately suspended.

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“We’ve sent a clear message that any individual that is assaulting kids in school will not be in our classrooms any longer. They will be referred to law enforcement. This is the most aggressive action the state has taken on this. We will continue to ensure student safety in our schools and any kind of misconduct towards a child that endangers a child in any way,” said State Superintendent Ryan Walters.

One of the teacher certifications was self-surrendered while the Board approved a hearing officer appointment to seven other educators whose licenses are up for discussion.

On the Board of Education’s agenda was also former Norman High School English teacher, Summer Boismier, but no action was taken on her certificate.

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