Oklahoma County eliminates one potential jail site; still considering another despite objections

Oklahoma County commissioners removed land at Stockyards City from its list of potential jail locations at the close of a marathon meeting this week.

But an attempt by Commissioner Carrie Blumert to remove a property the county is considering at 1901 E Grand Blvd. as a jail location failed, even after hours of objections aired by numerous Del City residents, elected local and state leaders, and the area school system’s superintendent.

The votes followed the second of two executive sessions, each lasting about two hours, as commissioners debated whether to keep or jettison the two options.

After the first executive session, they told the public that Commissioner Myles Davidson planned to visit with city of Oklahoma City officials to make inquiries about whether they believed its city council would support zoning the Grand Boulevard property for use as a jail.

While near Del City, the property is inside Oklahoma City’s city limits.

Did commissioners’ decisions this week settle where the new jail in Oklahoma County will be built?

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