Businesses struggling during construction in Paseo Arts District

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — The Paseo Arts District is going through some much needed upgrades on the streets and sidewalks, but it hasn’t come without a cost to some businesses.

Construction has been going on in the Paseo Arts District for months. Businesses are excited to see the finished product, but in the midst of the construction, businesses have struggled to stay afloat.

“We really saw just like, oh gosh, how are we going to get through this slow time?” said Andrea Koester, owner of Holey Rollers.

Business is at an all-time low because of something that is out of their control.

“It’s been very slow, but we’ve been trying to get creative and do everything we possibly can to just bring more sales in while this time is happening,” Koester said.

They aren’t the only business going through this.

“We’ve seen a downturn, especially like around the holidays or around times when people would normally come and visit,” said Jennifer Woods, owner of JW Jewelry and Home.

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