Oklahoma election officials ousted after challenging vote tabulation; may face criminal investigation

Two Republicans appointed in 2023 to the Oklahoma County Election Board were removed by state authorities Wednesday after it considered complaints they lodged about how the county tabulates election results. The state board also suggested criminal charges should be filed against the pair.

Decisions to remove Cheryl Williams, appointed to the board in 2023 as the Republican Party’s representative, and Jenni White, appointed as Williams’ alternate, were made unanimously by the Oklahoma State Election Board’s three members after they met in an executive session that lasted nearly 11 hours.

Besides removing Williams and White from the county election board, the state board also recommended both women’s actions be reviewed by the Oklahoma County district attorney’s office and Oklahoma’s attorney general to evaluate if they should be criminally prosecuted.

Williams could not be reached Thursday for comment, but White said she was surprised the board took those actions for conduct she believes was part of her responsibilities as an appointed election board official.

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