Discover the Filthiest City in Oklahoma

What is one city that’s so dirty it just makes you feel like you need to get out of there and shower? It isn’t difficult to pick out of many states, though some can be trickier. One such state is Oklahoma. We will embark on a journey to discover the filthiest city in Oklahoma and dive deep into the uncleanliness to uncover what makes the city so repulsive.

Oklahoma City

Oklahoma is commonly known as a state in tornado alley , where devastation occurs frequently and suddenly. Even with the dangers associated with the weather, plenty of people make up Oklahoma City. Within the city’s limits, more than one million people live.

When large, populated cities are scrutinized, they are always found to be considerably dirtier than small towns. Oklahoma City has come in as one of the top ten dirtiest cities in the country time and time again. The latest ranking for the city was 9 out of 150 other large cities, and those numbers don’t look good for those considering moving there.

Several reasons have driven the city to remain one of the filthiest cities in Oklahoma. As we’ve touched on already, it’s a city with over a million people living there, which means lots of trash and people doing what they shouldn’t, like tossing their trash out the window of their vehicles. Another top contender is the water quality due to oil refinery industry giants and other various plants. The drug use, unemployment , and homeless rates are both very high, and that can also be a contributing factor. The crime rates are also high, which goes hand in hand with the city being called filthy. It can also be weighed in economic value, which appears very poor. Let’s look at who or what the biggest contenders are in maintaining the filth level. Some may come as a surprise.

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