Local pet store, customers donate 10 tons of dog food to Oklahoma pet pantry

OKLAHOMA CITY ( KFOR ) – A local pet store and its customers raised 10 tons of dog food for the Pet Food Pantry of Oklahoma in an effort to send it out to help people and their pets.

There was hard work taking place on the city’s northwest side Wednesday morning at the A1 Pet Emporium .

Employees and volunteers donated five pallets to the Pet Food Pantry of Oklahoma for both pets and people who really need it.

“It’s truly rewarding,” the owner of the A1 Pet Emporium, Trisha Clark, said.

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Clark said their business, vendors and their customers helped raise 10 tons of dog food over the holidays, including boxes full of pet supplements, canned food and treats.

“We take the product, the dry food especially, and we mix it together and then we package it into smaller bags, about 10 pound bags, and then we take it to the homes,” the pantry’s executive director, Candace Beaty, said.

All of it was tossed on to a truck to head to the Pet Food Pantry of Oklahoma.

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