Moore mayor esteemed for 30 years of service: ‘An institution in our metro.’

MOORE — No matter who will try to fill his shoes, Glenn Lewis has already proven a tough act to follow.

First elected in 1994, local jeweler Glenn Lewis, 68, has served as Moore’s mayor for 30 years, during which time the city has transformed from a struggling suburb within the margins of Norman and Oklahoma City into a growing hotspot for developers.

“When I first started, all we did was fight and fuss about everything, and not a whole lot was accomplished,” Lewis remembered of the mid-1990s Moore City Hall during a phone call with The Oklahoman. “But once we got city council under control and got everything kind of situated, we were basically taking care of business and it got a lot better for us. We concentrated on getting new businesses in, generating new income for the city. And after that, you know, once you have money, you can do a lot of things, so that helped us a lot.”

Doing a lot of things in Moore was always what Lewis had hoped. His younger brother, Tim, co-owner of Lewis Jewelers for nearly five decades, recalled the day his older brother spontaneously announced he would file for mayoral candidacy so many years ago.

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