Woman who survived, led victims’ families through Oklahoma City bombing has died

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – A woman, nicknamed ‘Mother Goose,’ who led her company, community and employees’ families forward after after surviving the Oklahoma City bombing, has passed away.

Florence Rogers was the CEO of the Federal Employees Credit Union inside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Downtown Oklahoma City when a terrorist bombed the building on April 19, 1995.

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18 of her employees died.

Rogers had a nickname among her employees.

“She was Mother Goose,” said Kari Watkins, President of the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum.

Her ‘flock’ were the dozens of employees who worked with her since she took over as CEO of the credit union in 1977.

“She was kind of a matriarch in many ways,” Watkins said. “She was a force of presence.”

“It was like family,” Rogers told News 4 in 2020. “That was one of our main goals. To be like family. One goal. One flight. One pattern. Flying in the same direction.”

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