Oklahoma County hosting first warrant clearing of 2024

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — The first Oklahoma County warrant clearing event of 2024 kicks off Friday. The county is looking to help hundreds of more people clear warrants from their name to prevent them from being arrested.

The Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Advisory Council announced that the Oklahoma County jail has its lowest population of inmates in 20 years. A big reason for that is the warrant clearing event.

“These are individuals on low level offenses and it will keep them out of the county jail.,” Brigitte, Biffle, interim Chief Public Defender of Oklahoma County said. “It’s helped the jail population and obviously helps to vote police resources to where they need to go.”

For the fourth time, Oklahoma County’s warrant clearing event will help those with minor offenses like outstanding fees, missed court dates and misdemeanor warrants get back on track.

“Once they clear their warrants, they can get back out there and start working and get a job and all of those things,” Biffle said. “So, it’s really been holding the individual back and it obviously keeps them from going to the jail.”

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