Nathan Dahm retains position as OK GOP party chair amidst meeting

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — State Senator Nathan Dahm stays on as Oklahoma GOP party chair for now.

A packed meeting was held in OKC today to discuss his possible removal from leadership based on alleged violations of rules.

This first meeting was called by Dahm to debate the legitimacy of a later meeting called by OK GOP Vice Chair, Wayne Hill, whom, among others in the body, is questioning Nathan Dahm’s behavior as GOP Chair.

Nathan Dahm retains position as OK GOP party chair amidst meeting

Wayne Hill (Left) Nathan Dahm (Right)

Although a quorum was met, the number of members present was insufficient to vote on Dahm’s removal.

The vote was tabled for another date.

Wayne Hill (Left) Nathan Dahm (Right)

Wayne Hill speaking at meeting Saturday

This story was originally published here.