Tigers, bears and cassowaries: How exotic can your pet be in Oklahoma?

Can you keep a tiger as a pet in Oklahoma?

While there aren’t many state laws governing wild or exotic animals kept as pets, many cities have rules that limit or outlaw dangerous species.

To avoid getting in trouble with the authorities, make sure to consult all relevant rules and laws before trying to become the next tiger king.

Exotic pets in state law

Oklahoma statutes are mostly silent on whether you can own an exotic animal like a tiger or python unless you’re a commercial breeder. That class of animal ownership comes with extra restrictions.

At the very least, however, state law forbids “exotic wildlife” from being released into the wilds of Oklahoma without first obtaining written permission from the director of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.

Exotic pet owners must also follow federal law, which prohibits the transport of some exotic animals across state lines for the purpose of commerce.

OKC laws on exotic animals as pets

Oklahoma City is much more strict about keeping potentially dangerous animals in your home or business.

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