With four degrees in one family, our family has had a remarkable graduation year Opinion

Our family motto for this year is ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! The culmination of the 2023-24 school year is nothing but a testament to God’s faithfulness and the perseverance of a family. On May 18, 2024, three out of the four Colemans graduated on the same day in three different cities, preceded by one Coleman who graduated on Dec. 16, 2023.

With four degrees in one family, our family has had a remarkable graduation year. Some might have read these first few sentences and said immediately, “School is too expensive,” or, “I’m too old to go back to school.” Before you give up and admit defeat, give me a moment to share our narrative and hopefully encourage you to keep dreaming.

Travel back with me to 2018. Our elder son, Chandler, graduated from high school in 2018 and decided to attend the University of Central Oklahoma. He lived on campus his first year, then ventured out to get his own apartment nearby. He worked several jobs while enrolled in school to pay for his apartment. Through federal grants and payment installments, we were able to pay for his schooling.

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