Community colleges are a conduit for the transformative power of education Guest column

Education has transformed my life. As a leader in higher education today, it is my responsibility to share the transformative power of education with others.

I was born in Oklahoma City and raised in Ardmore by my grandmother, a firm, yet loving woman who offered stability in an often unstable, uncertain environment. My grandmother encouraged my siblings and me to dream big dreams. Even in our humble means, we were taught to set goals and think about what we wanted out of life. We were told we could accomplish anything we set our minds to if we worked hard and persevered through challenges and obstacles.

My grandmother made sure we were honest, ethical and intentional in everything we did.

She also instilled in us the values of faith, family, freedom, the transformative effect of education, the benefits of sacrifice and the importance of service.

More: How did almost half the state’s colleges and universities avoid raising tuition and fees?

Those are the same values that guide me daily, and inspire me to be for the students at Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC) what my grandmother was for me.

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