This Oklahoma nonprofit helps people from all backgrounds share their stories and work together

A local nonprofit is on a mission to make Oklahoma a better place for one race — the human race.

That’s how anthropologist Suzette Chang describes the goal of her organization called Thick Descriptions, which became a nonprofit almost 10 years ago. Chang said the nonprofit’s name is a term used by another anthropologist, Clifford Geertz.

Geertz described the practice of “thick descriptions” as a way of providing cultural context and meaning to human actions and behavior, as opposed to “thin descriptions,” which are factual accounts without any interpretation. Chang, 51, said Geertz emphasized the importance of considering why people behave as they do, what they are trying to express or achieve, and for whom.

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Chang, a California native who is Thick Descriptions’ founder and chief executive officer, said the nonprofit applies anthropology in everyday conversations. She said her group help people see that it’s important to question some traditional practices, particularly those that occur “because we’ve always done it this way.” Chang also said there’s a need for cultural context in understanding human behavior and that’s where Thick Descriptions comes in. The nonprofit creates spaces for people to have difficult conversations, works to involve adults in public education and hosts opportunities for young people to ask questions and expand their horizons.

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