‘I was blown away’: Vehicle owners deal with hail damage after storms

OKLAHOMA CITY ( KFOR ) — An incredibly powerful hailstorm Tuesday damaged homes, vehicles and even golf courses.

Severe weather moved through the Oklahoma City Metro Tuesday evening, leaving vehicles with dent damage and hail that punched through some drivers windshields.

Hector Gara said he was inside of a restaurant picking up dinner for only 15 minutes and when he walked outside, his car was destroyed.

“I was blown away. I’m like, ‘how am I going to get home,’” said Gara. “The first thing I did was call my insurance company.”

The holes in Gara’s back window were so big that someone’s fist could fit through them, and the body of his car was covered in dents.

Photo of Hector Gara’s car after hailstorm

Kyle Ellis, the owner of Auto Hail Logistics said they’ve been flooded with calls.

“We’ve seen a range from five or six dents on a hood, to two or 300 dents,” said Ellis.

Ellis said repair costs can range anywhere from $7,000-$12,000.

“It could go more, depends on products, prices and what’s broken,” said Ellis.

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