Neighbors looking for answers as Airport Business Park project awaits support

The Airport Business Park is at a stand sill as the project team awaits letter of support from the Inland Port Authority.

Sometimes, waiting is the hardest part.

“I love being here and I love living here but if I have to move, I am not trying to just keep sitting here waiting,” said Racheal Hoefker who has been waiting for answers since January.

“I don’t want to just sit here when I really need to do a lot of work around here but I don’t want to do it if it’s for nothing,” Hoefker said.

Thursday morning, the Omaha Economic Development Corporation and its partner Burlington Capital presented the airport business park project to the Inland Port Authority.

They talked about the goals, funding, and next steps. Many neighbors were unable to attend, others who did are still questioning the project.

“I still have questions about the plan, the process, and the lack of transparency and engagement from the development team,” said Joe Higgins, a neighbor in the mapped out development area.

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