‘I hope’: Years later West Lanes Bowling waits for Crossroads re-development

Could this be the agreement that gets Crossroads redeveloped? Reporter Molly Hudson went back to a nearby business we talked to 10 years ago in the early stages of this project.


January 2013: “The Crossroads will once again come to life.”
January 2013: “We can’t help but just wonder when it’s going to come together.”
October 2015: “They keep saying they will, but that’s been how many years”
October 2015: “We’ve heard a lot of plans over the years and they all seem to fall through.”
Mayor Stothert in 2020: “This is the one that I think we all feel is going to be the winner.”

And it appears 2024 could end with another agreement to develop Crossroads. Bringing Crossroads back to life could start again the spring. Neighbors here hope, this is the one that works.

10 years ago KMTV talked to Micheal Pirruccello at West Lanes Bowling about Crossroads and again in 2017. Central Omaha neighborhood reporter Molly Hudson went back to hear what it’s been like to be a neighbor to this ongoing development.

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